Navigating life during the pandemic.
By Alice Tribue, CCS Senior Compliance Analyst
I think like most people, two months ago I never would have imagined how my life would drastically change because of COVID-19. I remember at one point receiving a letter from my kids’ schools asking if I had internet capabilities at home in the event of potential school closures. I thought, “no way would that ever happen.” Just a few weeks later I learned how wrong I was.
Alice Tribue with her children
As a single mom of two kids, I’m so thankful to have a job where I am able to work from home, I know that so many parents like me weren’t given that option and they were put into a situation where they had to scramble for childcare with practically no notice.
Navigating the home-schooling process and managing schedules for a preschooler and a fifth grader has not been easy, but I’m fortunate to have a support system. I think the biggest lesson I’ve learned from this is that if you are able to find the good in uncertain times, then you truly will be alright. Being able to slow down and not have to hustle to get to dance class, karate, soccer, or art class has been a nice change of pace. Eating meals at the dinner table every night instead of grabbing fast food has given us time to re-connect on a level that I hadn’t realized we had lost. Seeing the world through my children’s’ eyes, witnessing how strong and resilient they are fills me with even more pride than I already had.
I’ve learned to take it easier on myself, to accept that whatever choice I make on any given day is the right choice. I let my kids have milkshakes and french fries for dinner. I’ve allowed them to do absolutely no schoolwork and stay in pajamas on some days and stay up way past their bedtimes some nights. We have consumed entirely too much ice cream and have watched way too much TV, but in a few years I know that I will think about this time and focus more on how time stood still for a while and I got to bond a little more with my family… and during this time I wish that for everyone.